Tardy Policy
A student who is tardy to class by more than 15 minutes will be counted absent. Repeated instances of tardiness will result in more severe disciplinary action, in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
1st Tardy……………………Warning
2nd Tardy………………….Warning, Parent will be contacted by teacher
3rd Tardy…………………..Written referral, call parent, referral copy mailed
Do you want to be able to check on your child’s grades ANYTIME? Would you like to be able to see what assignments they are missing? Now you can! Click on the button to log in!
In accordance with Board policy FNA (local) any student wishing to exercise their right to voluntarily express their religious viewpoint at school events during the first semester needs to sign up in the front office during the first week of school.
We are very appreciative of all volunteers. Everyone is welcome to come by the Junior High office to complete the volunteer packet. There is always so much to do for our students!
Thanks to all those who help out.
Please contact our campus if you have any questions,concerns, or suggestions. (830)742-3571
Cellular Phone And Electronics Guidelines
For safety purposes, the district permits students to possess cell phones; however,
cell phones must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing. Students are not allowed to display or use phones, iPods, Mp3s, CD players,
or earphones during the instructional day; including both lunch periods, unless prior
permission has been obtained. High school student will be allowed to use iPods, Mp3s,
CD players, or earphones during lunch periods. All cellular phones, electronic devices,
and earphones must be concealed and cannot be held in an external holster at any time.
Students may have operable cellular phones and electronic devices only at
after-school activities on or off school property. Students who violate this policy
will be subject to disciplinary measures which will result in:
School staff confiscating the phone or device and turning it over to the campus administration.
The campus administration will notify the parents/guardians within two school days after the phone or device is confiscated.
Parents will obtain the release of the cellular phone or electronic device by paying a $15.00 fee.
If a parent/guardian does not respond or pay the fee, the district shall hold the confiscated phone or device for 30 days after notification has been made.
Refusal from the student to turn over the cellular phone or electronic device to a teacher /staff member will result in ISS and the $15.00 fine.
Refusal from the student to hand the device over to an administrator will result in suspension, and the student cannot return to campus until $15.00 is paid.
The use of mobile telephones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event.
A student’s personal telecommunications device may be searched by authorized personnel.
The district will not be responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices